Tons of students pon lesson 2day...

can can...

Milo-boy Bryan

Jyh Yong coaching again, nth new...

Mao slacking...

1st appearance for the mr.Vege on
actually I dunno wad the whole conversation was all abt...

Mao looking @ Year1 girls?

Mixed doubles game

mr.Vege gets ready to attack Mao

Mao got
"sexually assaulted"
Poor Mao...

Yihao came out with a hell of an idea...

yes, now we can finally close it down...

ghost in the lift??

MoJO ps-ed us...

Yihao kena conned by the fake bird nest drink

Jianhuiii's poh piah increased price by 20%!!!

Pork rib mee increased price by 17%!!!
Every1 got conned...
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