Top 5 reasons why YOU should join SP Squash
- you get to hit balls and burst them! -Gaya
- "simulates" the mind while playing..ya wat -Meli
- ball is small, my hands small ma -Cally
- cuz joseph's in squash and everyone loves joseph so join squash -Mojo
- squash is a intensive sports.. it gives u a thrill which other sports can't give u.. u get to exercise many set of muscles while playing squash.. it's a special sports.. although individual, we work as a team to win the game for the sch or club.. -Yihao

Sign-up for squash with the camera-shy Captain Wilson!
you stand a chance to

Meet Dave,

& his pink toe nails...
& the legendary Mao Mao

Mother's Day Special poster in SP,
vandalized by creative students...