An Interview

26 July 2007
An exclusive interview with this mystery person:
(courtesy of LLY)

*To protect the person's privacy, e-mail address have been censored*

Click to see in full screen

Click on image to see in full screen

Since LLY did not ask you the 3rd question, I will.
Here it is:

So, Why do you have an account in

Click to see the EVIDENCE
Click on image to see the evidence

Here is the real webpage:

Click to enlarge

Here are some brief introduction to for those of you who don't know about this notorious website.

SGgirls once banned:

The Ugly Singaporean, Online:

My dear Jyh Yong fell in love with another man

Improvements on :
+"Official SP Squash Blog" flash banner added
+"MaoMao's Watchin' U®" cursor script

Known Issue:
-IE: Unable to display Mao's photo on the right-side bar
-FF: Unable to load background image
-FF: Unable to use "Add to Favorite" buttons
-Safari: Wrong sized Mao's photo on the right-side bar
-ALL: font colours differs across browsers