ECP Xtra: Panoramic

27 August 2007

(Click to enlarge, 1116KB)

A 180-degree view of the sea from

East Coast Park

For those who are interested for the perfect shot:

Camera: Nokia N80 main
Scene Mode: Landscape
F-value: F/3.5
Focal Length: 5mm
ISO-spd: ISO-20
(the rest varies)

Total photos used: 10x 3.2megapix (1536x2048)
Original resolution: 15.2megapix (8008x1889)
Overlapped+cropped area: 16.33megapix
Effective usage: 52%

Kindly contact me if you want the full-sized panoramic photo.

Changes on
+New display pic of Mao
+Re-shuffled the right side bar's content