Squash Tour 2008 Part6/11

Chemical-X in the making...

We woke up so early for shopping just to find out that shops don't open till 10, 11am (-_-)"
& beware of the white little B-52s...

Only the Popular-like stationery shop is open...

Mao started buying all sorts of rubbish, eg. Colour Pencils (-_-)"

Jyh bought a bag...

Everyone is thrilled when Quiksilver opened its doors~

843,000Rp = S$134, and guess wad...

Mao didn't have enough money to pay~

We didn't steal the remote control, I swear!
It's in the fridge.

Someone suggested buying this for Yihao...

Mao bought more rubbish from the factory outlet..

caught Zainal buying fake Esprit slippers!

Lunch time~

Best meal in the whole trip in my opinion:
BBQ fish + prawn + stuffed sotong + rice + vege

On our way to the next & the last friendly match...

Mao taking rubbish photos again..
I'll be showing them in Part9 onwards...
to be continued...