SP Squash team members have been hard @ work for the PC Show 2008 in the past few days, except on the first day where the only useful thing Jyh did was picking up ONE call.

The Singtel F1 Simulator @ PC Show 2008,
everybody wants to get a piece of it...
But its only opened to Singtel Red Prestige members
(generally ppl with bills >$250/mth)

LLY gets to play,

Yihao gets to play,

Jyh didn't get to play...

Poor Jyh even dropped his lunch...

Yihao & LLY having lunch on another occasion, picture taken by Jyh with the Motorola V9 Ferrari phone...

Jyh had 5 boxes of lunch?!

And he asks for 1 more!!!

SP Squash members on Sunday's Lian He Zao Bao (page8),
can you spot us?

big eater #2

Somehow a big piece flew off from my apple while I was eating...

Jyh insisted on eating in the dark corner so that no one can see how many boxes he ate...

The 3 SP Squash members...

Jyh is like a kid in a candy store
remember THIS?

Happy Birthday to Jyh Yong!!!
Last but not least, Yihao had insisted these pics to be uploaded together with the post: