Chicken Talk for lunch...

FREE drinks to a selected few, sponsored by LLY

Jyh about to sit down on his sweat-soaked shorts... He's WET!

Food = Happy :)

Jyh pouring the sauce in between his legs...

LLY spilled his rice all over the place while Yihao happily took this photo...

Jyh 幸灾乐祸,
remember this?

See PC Show 2008

Yihao's happiness didn't last long when he realized rice is all over his brand new racket & towel too!

Mojo is too blur to know what's going on...

The guy's bunk stinks real bad...

Mojo showing off his

the stinking squashies later wake up for a lecture,

by none other than the former National Player cum former National Team Coach - Mr.Zainal Abidin!!!
High Quality version:
Was anybody listening?
to be continued...