Mao Mao will be analyzing the data of his visitors.
Unfortunately, there will be no photos today...
Mao Mao will be using Google Analytics:

Mao a month's worth of data between 6Sep - 6Oct
(click on the images to see them in full size)
What posts did you read?

Most visit the homepage & followed by King of IKEA post...
How non-squashies found this blog on Google/Yahoo?

11 hits for "chinhow" & 1 hit for "Gaya squash sp"!!!
How did you reach the blog?

Here, you can often find blogs of other squashies...
Where did you access the blog from?

Global Disease Alert Map lookalike...
A more detail breakdown of countries:

Mao has fans all over the world!
How loyal are Mao's visitors?

One big group of "random visitors" + another relatively large group of loyal readers.
You know who you are!
So, what browser do you use?

Firefox beats IE!
Chrome is gaining popularity by the minute...
Windows, Mac?

Not surprised to find Windows dominate the chart..
How fast is your internet?

The data becomes pretty much useless because there are too many unknowns...