Marina Steamboat Part2

09 September 2007

Trying very hard not to overcook the food (which he does best)...

conclusion: Jyh simply cant cook

a pretty "serious" steamboat party

Yihao: "Ohhh, the clam exploded!!!"

The shell actually flew a few meters away fr the steamboat, cool~

Jyh Yong = $1

Beginning till the End for the Deadliest Catch...

Catch Season 3 on Discovery Channel (ch12)

Gary: "Seafood is disgusting!"

Esther, share ur photos with leh...

Is Esther an Alien??!

Those guys @ table next to us kept looking @ TingTing...

TingTing pretend as if nth happened...

Bye Esther!!

warning: PSP is highly addictive

Jyh & Me grabbed a big bunch of ice-cream...

"Detergent" lime flavour SUCKS !

Pls don't try this @ home, I mean the ice-cream

finally he realizes it, boy u're slow...

some1 send these addicts for rehab..