Esther & Kenneth the cookie monsters....

What's that on the X'mas tree?

It's the catfood I bought for Ginger! =D

Mao the head chef,

and kitchen boy Jyh Yong...

Adrian got raped by mojo's gay dog... gosh, I should have video-ed it!!
but then it would be rated R21 and not suitable to be posted...

Me cooking the spaghetti...

& it ran outta gas (-_-)"

Jyh smashing up the (half) boiled tomatoes.

Becareful Mao!!!

Mao did you wash your hands?

Too late...

This is probably the biggest stripes of ham you will ever have in your pasta..

What's Jyh doing with the dog???

Spaghetti was screwed, Mao's demoted to kitchen boy...

Big chef Jyh cooking up the ingredients...

So much food...

Gary insisted that I take his pic with my phone.

Where to start from??

Take photo first...

& more photos...

Both wondering if Jyh cooking is edible...

A sad piece of piano song spoilt our X'mas mood...

Gary cutting up the ham...


and mojo laptop's new wallpaper...

Mojo only eat the "skin" of the ham, how gross...

Present for Ginger!!!

She loves it =D

Then we played table tennis @ the attic...

Alumni group + Dom's gf

X'mas log cake...

Take photo take photo...

So guai to help wash dishes sia...

12mn, Dom showing us how to cook pasta the correct way...

What an exciting lesson, thx Dom...

Luckily we managed to catch the last bus...